Biogeographic Umbilici and the Origin of the ...Evidence for a serotonin-mediated effect of cocaine causing vasoconstriction and herniated umbilici in chicken embryosOn differential equations and umbilici[Effect of human umbilici mesenchymal stromal cells implantation on the BDNF expression in diabetic foot rats].LIII. On differential equations and umbiliciLXIV. On differential equations and umbilici (sequel to the paper in the November number, pp. 373-379)The Collected Mathematical Papers: On Differential Equations and UmbiliciUltrastructure of fenestral knots (umbilici) in glomerular endothelium of mice kidneyThe analysis of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt togetherwith umbilici cord blood stem cell transplantation in treatmen...Caput III – Gangrena umbilici