- It was unchristian of him to refuse to help.
他拒绝帮忙,真是有失厚道。 - Seeking vengeance is most unchristian in the extreme.
Published with permission from: Elsevier THE IMPACT OF COMPETITION AND UNCERTAINTY ON THE ADOPTION OF TARGET COSTINGNudge-Ansätze beim nachhaltigen KonsumExplaining change in Russian foreign policy towards the West, 1992-2004 : the impact of collective ideasUnchristian: Robertson's call for assassination should end his credibilityExplaining Change in Russian Foreign PolicyDer neue Sachverständigenrat für VerbraucherfragenChancen und Risiken der Transatlantischen Handels- und Investitionspartnerschaft (TTIP) für die VerbraucherwohlfahrtExplaining change in Russian foreign policy : the role of ideas in post-Soviet Russia's conduct towards the WestConclusionFramework for Analysis