- The jury were unconvinced that he was innocent.
陪审团不相信他是无辜的。 - I was unconvinced by the teacher's criticism.
我对老师的批评感到不服气。 - I remain unconvinced of the need for change.
Still unconvinced, but still tentative: a reply to DeGrazia
Why I am unconvinced by arguments against the existence of hell
Herakles, Peisistratos and the Unconvinced
Experiences before things: a primer for the (yet) unconvinced
Experiences before things: a primer for the (yet) unconvinced
Motivating Gifted, Defiant, and Unconvinced Students to Succeed at The John Dewey Academy
Discussion of Devezas et al. article - Unconvinced about a 5th K-wave: A response to Devezas et al
Ideology Trumps Meteorology: Why Many Television Weathercasters Remain Unconvinced of Human-Caused Global Warming
Tensions in implementing the new genetics. General practitioners in south Wales are unconvinced of their role in genetics services
Tensions in implementing the new genetics. General practitioners in south Wales are unconvinced of their role in genetics services (...