- He is skeptical about everything.
他对于一切事都持怀疑的态度。 - Her tone is skeptical and detached.
她的声音是怀疑的,冷漠的。 - The leader had the gift of being able to infuse enthusiasm into the most skeptical member of the group.
Skeptical linguistic essays
Solving the Skeptical Problem
“Solving the Skeptical Puzzle,”
Some Skeptical Observtions on Real Business Cycle Theory
Democracy and Peace: A More Skeptical View
The Empirics of Social Capital: Some Skeptical Thoughts
The Skeptical Shopper: A Metacognitive Account for the Effects of Default Options on Choice
Evidence that consumers are skeptical about evidence-based health care.
“The Skeptical American: Revisiting the Meaning of Trust in Government and Confidence in Institutions
Talking Past Each Other? Cultural Framing of Skeptical and Convinced Logics in the Climate Change Debate