- A rabbit ran into the underbrush.
一只兔子跑进了矮树丛。 - To a great extent, the increase in fires stems from a buildup of excess fuel, particularly deadwood and underbrush.
Real-time animation of underbrush
Meta-Methodology: Clearing the Underbrush
Clearing out the underbrush in constitutional challenges to health insurance reform
Maintaining the Forest and Burning out the Underbrush in XTAG
Integrated rural development: clearing out the underbrush.
Birth Order and Political Behavior: Clearing the Underbrush
Democratic Political Competence: Clearing the Underbrush and a Controversial Proposal
The Impact of Personality on Politics: An Attempt to Clear Away Underbrush
Understanding and Harnessing Placebo Effects: Clearing Away the Underbrush
The effect of light conditions on leaf injury in underbrush shrubs caused by leaf-eating insects