- Someone will be blind in front of the behoof and some other will be more bright.
利益让一些人瞎了眼睛,却让另外一些人心明眼亮。 - We have needed to grasp condition to actualize the system and vindicate the creditor's behoof as well as the company's behoof.
Circumstances in which a Policy effected by a Party on the Life of Another was held to be for behoof of the Party Assured, and not o...
Review: For the World's Behoof
For the World's Behoof
A direction for trauailers Taken out of Iustus Lipsius, and enlarged for the behoofe of the right honorable Lord, the yong Earle of ...
How rights and obligations cease. How controversies are decided in natural liberty.
An explanation of the fashion and use of three and fifty instruments of chirurgery, gathered out of Ambrosius Pareus, the famous Fre...
A short narrative of the late troubles in England : first written in Latin by an anonymus, for the information of forreners, and now...
Philosophiae Moralis Institutio Compendiaria
Free Appropriate Public Education, A
To close or not to close an atrial septal defect in ischemic cardiomyopathy.