Underfeeding and body weight regulation in normal-weight young menCompensatory Gain by Holstein Calves After Underfeeding ProteinEffects of underfeeding during the weaning period on growth, metabolism, and hormonal adjustments in the pigletInfluence of underfeeding during the "critical period"or thereafter on carcinogen-induced mammary tumors in ratsThe relationship between underfeeding and tumor formation, transplantation, and growth in rats and mice.An underfeeding study in healthy men and women provides further evidence of impaired regulation of energy expenditure in old ageEffect of 12 weeks' light-moderate underfeeding on 24-hour energy expenditure in normal male and female subjects.Diet selection in pigs: dietary choices made by growing pigs following a period of underfeeding with proteinVariations in parameters of liver function and plasma progesterone related to underfeeding and ketosis in a dairy herdInhibitory effects of the pineal hormone melatonin and underfeeding during the promotional phase of 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene-(DMB...