- I learned from him also consistency and undeviating steadiness in my regard for philosophy;
Incarnations: George Eliot's Conception of "Undeviating Law"The Roles of Undeviating Evolution and Transformation in the Origin of ManThe basic principle needs to be carried on for the "undeviating"On sunrise variations of undeviating absorption in low ionosphere"What Greater Witness can you have than from God?"A Look at the Undeviating Testimony of Oliver Cowdery including his Rebirth, Reco...Kagan's life an undeviating course to high courtHOW SHE GOT HERE: ; Kagan's life has been an undeviating course to high courtProtected sensible Outsourcing of Undeviating Programming in cloud computingElectron optical instrument with adjustable specimen supportMortarless modular precast cladding system