
英 [ʌn'fəʊldɪd]
美 [ʌn'foʊldɪd]
  • adj.


  • v.

    显露,展现( unfold的过去式和过去分词 );展开,打开;

  • 英英释义


    • v.
      • develop or come to a promising stage

        同义词:blossomblossom outblossom forth

      • open to the view

        "A walk through town will unfold many interesting buildings"

      • extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length

        同义词:stretchstretch outextend

      • spread out or open from a closed or folded state

        同义词:spreadspread outopen



    1. At the same time, we reveal the subsequent triadic role structure that unfolded among communities, the boundary organizations they designed, and firms.


    ER stress and the unfolded protein response.
    Natively unfolded proteins: a point where biology waits for physics.
    Orchestrating the unfolded protein response in health and disease.
    Tripartite management of unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum
    Why are "natively unfolded"proteins unstructured under physiologic conditions?
    Translational control is required for the unfolded protein response and in vivo glucose homeostasis.
    Dynamic interaction of BiP and ER stress transducers in the unfolded-protein response.
    Perk is essential for translational regulation and cell survival during the unfolded protein response
    XBP-1 regulates a subset of endoplasmic reticulum resident chaperone genes in the unfolded protein response
    Ron D, Walter P. Signal integration in the endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2007;8(7):519-529