- God hath delivered me to the ungodly, and turned me over into the hands of the wicked.
神把我交给不敬虔的人,把我扔到恶人的手中。 - I was determined on taking her away from that ungodly surroundings.
我决意将她从那种邪恶的环境中带走。 - He called on me at an ungodly hour.
Ungodly thoughts
Economic paranoia is ungodly
Ungodly Rage the Hidden Face of Catholic Feminism
A Heart of Stone: The Ungodly in Early Modern England
Ungodly Women: Gender and the First Wave of American Fundamentalism by Betty A. DeBerg
Godly fear or ungodly failure? Hebrews 12:18--29 and the Sinai theophanies
Protestant missionaries in the Levant : ungodly Puritans, 1820-60
'Unnatural', 'Un-African' and 'Ungodly': Homophobic discourse in democratic South Africa
Liberalism, Multiculturalism, Danish Cartoons, Islamist Fraud and the Rights of the Ungodly
Atheist, Adulterer, Sodomite, Thief, Murderer, Lyer, Perjurer, Witch, Conjuror or Brute Beast? Discovering the Ungodly in Shakespear...