Taxonomic relationships in East Asian Vicia species with unijugate leaves based on random amplified polymorphic DNA markersPLASTOCHRONE RATIO AND LEAF ARC AS PARAMETERS OF A QUANTITATIVE PHYLLOTAXIS ANALYSIS IN VASCULAR PLANTSHepatic Potentials of Xylopia Aethiopica Leaves in Adult Wistar RatsGenetic, age, and ontogenetic variation of phyllotactic arrangements i...CHARACTERISTICS OF AN IMMUNE SYSTEM COMMON TO CERTAIN EXTERNAL SECRETIONSMotion and structure from two perspective views: algorithms, error analysis, and error estimationThe ClpXP and ClpAP proteases degrade proteins with carboxy-terminal peptide tails added by the SsrA-tagging systemNerve growth factors (NGF, BDNF) enhance axonal regeneration but are not required for survival of adult sensory neurons.Direct Visualization of the Binding and Internalization of a Ferritin Conjugate of Epidermal Growth Factor in Human Carcinoma Cells ...Ephrin-B2 controls VEGF-induced angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis.