- This stack trace proves rather uninformative;
这个堆栈跟踪没有提供多少有价值的信息。 - The TV reports of the explosion were brief and uninformative.
UNINFORMATIVE BOOTSTRAPPINGUninformative characters and apparent conflict between molecules and morphology.Uninformative Parameters and Model Selection Using Akaike's Information CriterionElimination of Uninformative Variables for Multivariate CalibrationAn ensemble of Monte Carlo uninformative variable elimination for wavelength selectionBioOne Online Journals - Uninformative Parameters and Model Selection Using Akaike's Information CriterionEye gaze is not unique: Automatic orienting in response to uninformative arrows.Successive projections algorithm combined with uninformative variable elimination for spectral variable selectionA variable selection method based on uninformative variable elimination for multivariate calibration of near-infrared spectraVariation in cue duration reveals top-down modulation of involuntary orienting to uninformative symbolic cues.