Brazil speech at UN lashes out at US spy program«WE SHALL SEE AGAIN IN PARADISE». THE LAST JOURNEY OF THE SERVANT OF GOD MARIA CATERINA BRONDI (1719)«Nos veremos en el paraíso». El último viaje de la sierva de Dios Maria Caterina Brondi (1719)Hipertensão arterial em idosos atendidos em grupos de aconselhamento: comentários a partir de um estudo descritivo preliminar Coun...; Luis David CastielMULTIPLE CONDUCTOR CABLE TERMINALIs complete androgen insensitivity syndrome associated with alterations in the meibomian gland and ocular surface?Iris Recognition with Low Template SizeA randomised controlled trial of azithromycin following surgery for trachomatous trichiasis in the GambiaA behavioral model for linguistic uncertainty