- Thugs, pickpockets and prostitutes lurked in the unlit alleys and shadowy streets.
暴徒、小偷和娼妓鬼鬼祟祟地躲在没有灯光的小巷里和灰暗的大街上。 - The table was bare, the candles was unlighted and an unlit cigarette was held in his hand.
Night-Vision Display Unlit during Uneventful Periods May Improve Traffic SafetyThe diffusive tortuosity of fine-grained unlithified sedimentsBoudreau, B.P.: The diffusive tortuosity of fine- grained unlithified sediments. Geochim.Quaternary sediments, petrographic methods for the study of unlithified rocksLithified and Unlithified Mg-Calcite Precipitates in Tropical Reef EnvironmentsHydraulic Conductivity Determinations in Unlithified Glacial and Fluvial MaterialsApplicability of quartz grains surface analysis to the study of the genesis of unlithified sedimentsInformation display for rearview mirrorsProcesses of Glacier Erosion on Different SubstrataEnergy transfer and trapping in photosystem I