Does Unmeasured Ability Explain Inter-Industry Wage Differentials?
Measuring the Unmeasured : An Instutional Entrepreneur Strategy in an Emerging Industry
The Impact of Residual and Unmeasured Confounding in Epidemiologic Studies: A Simulation Study
Should negative affectivity remain an unmeasured variable in the study of job stress?
Accounting for unmeasured population substructure in case-control studies of genetic association using a novel latent-class model
Assessing the sensitivity of regression results to unmeasured confounders in observational studies.
Sensitivity Analysis for Selection bias and unmeasured Confounding in missing Data and Causal inference models
Sensitivity analysis and external adjustment for unmeasured confounders in epidemiologic database studies of therapeutics
Treatment effects in the presence of unmeasured confounding: dealing with observations in the tails of the propensity score distribu...
Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis and Bayesian analysis of smoking as an unmeasured confounder in a study of silica and lung cancer