Observing the states of systems with unmeasurable disturbancesMeasuring the unmeasurable: a country's non-R&D expenditure on product and service innovationNo Longer Unmeasurable? A Multidimensional Integrated Model of Nonprofit Organizational EffectivenessOn the generalization of observers to systems with unmeasurable, unknown inputsObserving the states of systems with unmeasurable disturbances. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 20(5), 716-717On the generalization of observers to systems with unmeasurable, unknown inputs ☆ ☆☆The Contribution of Unmeasurable Inputs to Fisheries Production: An Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Fishing Vessels in the Engli...The output control of linear time-invariant multivariable systems with unmeasurable arbitrary disturbancesA generalization of the output control of linear multivariable systems with unmeasurable arbitrary disturbancesOutput-feedback control of a class of stochastic nonlinear systems with linearly bounded unmeasurable states