- She seemed unperturbed by the news.
她听到这消息似乎并不惊慌。 - The good-tempered man tends to be unperturbed.
好脾气的人会泰然自若。 - He remained unperturbed and was as calm as usual.
Shape of unperturbed linear polymers: polypropylene
The role of plantar cutaneous sensation in unperturbed stance.
Mobility of polymers in films thinner than their unperturbed size
Unusual high degree of unperturbed environment in the interior of single-wall carbon nanotubes.
Translational diffusion and hydrodynamic radius of unperturbed flexible chains
Self-focusing in the perturbed and unperturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation in critical dimension
Optimized movement trajectories and joint stiffness in unperturbed, inertially loaded movements.
Regulation of histone mRNA in the unperturbed cell cycle: evidence suggesting control at two posttranscriptional steps
Polylactide. II. Viscosity–molecular weight relationships and unperturbed chain dimensions
An evaluation of DNA fluorochromes, staining techniques, and analysis for flow cytometry. I. Unperturbed cell populations