Review: Dioscorides UnriddledDioscorides UnriddledTHE BHAGAVADGĪTĀ "RIDDLE"UNRIDDLEDThe Western civilization unriddled by means of iconography (ancient times: no. 10) A study of Western individualism from the viewpoi...Dioscorides unriddled. "Dioscorides on pharmacy and medicine". By John M. Riddle. Essay reviewThe Bacchae Unriddled?The origin of the cosmic radiation unriddled?“The scrolls from the dead sea: The riddle unriddled”Steuerung des Bewasserungseinsatzes bei beschranktem WasserangebotSuppression of retinal neovascularization in vivo by inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) using soluble VEGF-rece...