Characteristics of Flow and Flame Behavior Behind Rifled/Unrifled NozzlesPercussion fuze, particularly for unrifled shells, primarily hollowcharge shellsHunting projectile for unrifled firearmsForensic ballistics analysis of an unusual/unrifled/homemade firearm in the absence of the actionTest firing of rimmed and rimless rifle cartridges from single barrel breech loading unusual/unrifled/homemade firearmMeasurements of Fluid Friction Loss in 0.50 Caliber Rifled and Unrifled Gun BarrelsSviluppo di un riflettometro portatile per la misura dello spettro di riflessione dell'iride umana.Podría morir antes de conseguir un rifleÉl llevaba un rifle de precisiónEstudio y análisis de las mejoras posibles en un rifle de precisión para prácticas lúdicas de airsoft