Industrial relation directorate of Distance EducationStudy on Unsafe Act of Mine Blasting OperationAnalysis and Solutions of Unsafe Act in the Coal Mine Blasting AccidentsAnalysis and Solutions of Unsafe Act of Coalmine BlastersImplementing Pre-warning Observation of HSE Behavior to Prevent Unsafe Act of PersonnelApplication of qualitative unsafe act analysis under simulated emergencyStatistical Analysis of Unsafe Act Reasons in Coal and Gas Outburst AccidentsANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI TINDAKAN TIDAK AMAN (UNSAFE ACT) PADA PELAKU SELFIE DIATAS GEDUNG BERTINGKAT JAKARTAA study for Unsafe Act classification under crew interaction during procedure-driven operationGambaran Sistem Pelaporan Near Miss, Unsafe Act dan Unsafe Condition di Proyek Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta (MRTJ) Tokyu-WIKA Joint Op...