- The presentation of the material was untidy.
所提交的资料缺乏条理。 - Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame.
你漂亮的字体把我的潦草字迹比得见不得人。 - The open door revealed an untidy kitchen.
透过敞开的房门可以看见凌乱的厨房。 - He found an untidy jumble of things in the drawer.
他发现抽屉里面在一大堆乱七八糟的东西。 - The child was penalized for her untidy handwriting.
这个孩子固写字不整洁而受到处罚。 - Hike up your pants, you look untidy.
把你的裤子提上点,你这样子太邋遢了。 - His untidy clothes give one a misguided impression of him.
Sorry Folks but It's Time to Clean Up This Town. Exclusive Our Man Brushes Up on Ireland's Untidiest Village
Television People: What a Load of Rubbish!; Families Who Freely Admit to Having the Untidiest Homes in the Country Let Storage Exper...
A doubtful freedom : untidy sonnets and a contemporary poetics
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A Study on the Visual Evaluation According to Changes in Waist Position and Width of Wide Pants
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