- The prime minister was an unwitting tool of the president.
首相不知不觉被总统利用了。 - Please forgive his unwitting insult.
请原谅他无意的伤害。 - She is their unwitting accomplice.
End users as unwitting software developers
Unwitting distributed genetic programming via asynchronous JavaScript and XML
Badvertisements: Stealthy Click-Fraud with Unwitting Accessories
Tumor-associated macrophages: unwitting accomplices in breast cancer malignancy
New covert channels in HTTP:adding unwitting Web browsers to anonymity sets
Mesh Signatures : How to Leak a Secret with Unwitting and Unwilling Participants
Pluralistic Ignorance and the Perpetuation of Social Norms by Unwitting Actors
Cancer Cells Exploit the Eph-Ephrin System to Promote Invasion and Metastasis: Tales of Unwitting Partners
The bone marrow niche: habitat to hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells, and unwitting host to molecular parasites
A Case Study of an Outbreak of Measles in the United States Caused by an Unwitting Japanese Student : A Lesson Learned from the Outb...