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    The genome sequence of the most widely cultivated cacao type and its use to identify candidate genes regulating pod color
    Textual data compression in computational biology: a synopsis
    Textual data compression in computational biology: Algorithmic techniques ☆
    Computational cluster validation for microarray data analysis: experimental assessment of Clest, Consensus Clustering, Figure of Mer...
    Compressive biological sequence analysis and archival in the era of high-throughput sequencing technologies
    GenomicTools: a computational platform for developing high-throughput analytics in genomics
    Speeding up the Consensus Clustering methodology for microarray data analysis
    Algorithmic paradigms for stability-based cluster validity and model selection statistical methods, with applications to microarray ...
    GenomicTools: an open source platform for developing high-throughput analytics in genomics
    8 – GenomicTools: an open source platform for developing high-throughput analytics in genomics