Safety of UVA-riboflavin cross-linking of the corneaPhotocarcinogenesis: UVA vs. UVB RadiationAzathioprine and UVA Light Generate Mutagenic Oxidative DNA DamageUVA irradiation induces collagenase in human dermal fibroblasts in vitro and in vivo.Singlet oxygen mediates the UVA-induced generation of the photoaging-associated mitochondrial common deletionDNA Damage Induced in Cells by γ and UVA Radiation As Measured by HPLC/GC−MS and HPLC−EC and Comet AssayCyclobutane pyrimidine dimers are predominant DNA lesions in whole human skin exposed to UVA radiationCharacterization of DOM as a function of MW by fluorescence EEM and HPLC-SEC using UVA, DOC, and fluorescence detectionHeme oxygenase is the major 32-kDa stress protein induced in human skin fibroblasts by UVA radiation, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium ...Keyse SM & Tyrrell RM.Heme oxygenase is the major 32-kDa stress protein induced in human skin fibroblasts by UVA, hydrogen peroxide ...