How Veblen Generalized DarwinismVeblen, Bourdieu, and Conspicuous ConsumptionMarx, Veblen, and Contemporary Institutional Political EconomyA Note on Measuring Veblen's Theory of Conspicuous ConsumptionWadge hierarchy and Veblen hierarchy Part I: Borel sets of finite rankWell-being and Affluence in the Presence of a Veblen Good *Marx, Veblen, and Contemporary Institutional Political Economy: Principles and Unstable Dynamics of CapitalismEmulation, Inequality, and Work Hours: Was Thorsten Veblen Right?Catching-Up to Foreign Technology? Evidence on the "Veblen-Gerschenkron"Effect of Foreign InvestmentsThe Evolution of Preferences and Competition: A Rationalization of Veblen's Theory of Invidious Comparisons