用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- benevolent appearance慈眉善目
- benevolent fund慈善基金
- benevolent heart恻隐之心
- benevolent institution慈善机构
- benevolent manner和蔼的态度
- benevolent nature仁慈的本性
- benevolent old man慈祥的老人
- benevolent smile亲切的微笑
- benevolent society慈善团体
- The original designers of the human body were benevolent beings.
人类身体的最初设计者是仁慈的生命体。 - His benevolent nature prevented him from refusing any beggar who accosted him.
他生性仁慈的,对任何一个向他乞讨的乞丐都慷慨解囊。 - But can some EU members continue to treat Russia as a benevolent ally?
但是,是否一些欧盟成员国仍可以把俄罗斯当作是一个乐善好施的盟友? - A benevolent employer has a sincere interest in the welfare of his employees.
Policy Cooperation Among Benevolent Governments May Be Undesirable
Hostile and benevolent sexism: Measuring ambivalent sexist attitudes toward women.
Dynamic inconsistency, cooperation and the benevolent dissembling government
Beyond prejudice as simple antipathy: hostile and benevolent sexism across cultures.
The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory: Differentiating hostile and benevolent sexism.
An ambivalent alliance. Hostile and benevolent sexism as complementary justifications for gender inequality.
Exposure to Benevolent Sexism and Complementary Gender Stereotypes: Consequences for Specific and Diffuse Forms of System Justificat...
Perceptions of stranger and acquaintance rape: the role of benevolent and hostile sexism in victim blame and rape proclivity
Dynamic Inconsistency, Cooperation and the Benevolent Dissembling Government,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol.2, pp...
Under the watchful eye of 'a benevolent dictator' - general practitioner and patient experiences of hepatitis C treatment initiation...