- The place of veiling in Christianity is as prevalent as in Judaism.
基督教中面纱像犹太教中一样普遍。 - So this paper will unveil the veiling of e-Marketing in the environment of e-Commerce and discuss how to integrate with traditional industry .
因此,本文将揭开电子商务大环境中网络营销的面纱,并讨论如何与传统行业实现整合。 - Lengths of white veiling, like a snow flurry, buried the little work-table.
Optical veiling, disk accretion, and the evolution of T Tauri stars
Hamilton echelle spectra of young stars. I - Optical veiling
Veiling of optical single particle properties in many particle systems by effective medium and clustering effects
Veiling, secularism, and the neoliberal subject: national narratives and supranational desires in Turkey and France
Veiling in Style: How Does a Stigmatized Practice Become Fashionable? | Journal of Consumer Research | Oxford Academic
The Veil in Their Minds and on Our Heads: Veiling Practices and Muslim Women
Accommodating Protest: Working Women, the New Veiling and Change in Cairo
Redefining Hijab: American Muslim Women's Standpoints on Veiling
Hegemonic Relations and Gender Resistance: The New Veiling as Accommodating Protest in Cairo
Unveiled Sentiments: Gendered Islamophobia and Experiences of Veiling among Muslim Girls in a Canadian Islamic School