Method of providing mental stimulus to a cognitively impaired subjectDown-regulation of mRNA for the low density lipoprotein receptor in transgenic mice containing the gene for human cholesteryl ester ...Lipolysis exposes unreactive endogenous apolipoprotein E-3 in human and rat plasma very low density lipoprotein.Preheparin lipoprotein lipolytic activities: relationship to plasma lipoproteins and postheparin lipolytic activities.Regulatory Arbitrage in Cross-Border Banking Mergers within the EULipoprotein lipase- and hepatic triglyceride lipase-promoted very low density lipoprotein degradation proceeds via an apolipoprotein...The Warburg effect: molecular aspects and therapeutic possibilitiesA family of low-voltage bulk-driven CMOS continuous-time CMFB circuitsEnhancement of antioxidant abilities and the lipoxygenase and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity of broccoli sprouts by biotic eli...A methodology for improving landslide PSI data analysis