Ultrasonographic examination of the venae cavaeVelocity of blood flow in normal human venae cavaeReliability of the venae comitantes in venous drainage of the free radial forearm flaps.Anatomy of the ostia venae hepaticae and the retrohepatic segment of the inferior vena cava.Expandable Metal Stents for Stenoses of the Venae Cavae and Large VeinsBehcet's syndrome with obstruction of the venae cavae. A report of seven cases.Use of Gortex grafts for replacement of the superior and inferior venae cavaeThe oxygen saturation of blood in the venae cavae, right-heart chambers, and pulmonary vessels of healthy subjects.Phasic blood flow patterns in the superior and inferior venae cavae and umbilical vein of fetal sheep.A histological study of the cardiac muscle of the human superior and inferior venae cavae