Terms of Venery: Ars Amatoria I
Dinamika atmosfery Venery.
Venery and Vincent's? 15 case reports and discussion.
Pathological Venery a Pride of Pathologists
Nomenklatura detalei rel'efa Venery
Pervye panoramy poverkhnosti Venery
Venery, the spinal cord, and tabes dorsalis before Romberg: the contribution of Ernst Horn.
Issledovanie svojst gornykh porod Venery po rezul'tatam bureniya (Investigation of Venus surface rocks based on drilling results).
Predvariteljnye resul'taty uzkopolosnogo photometricheskogo zondirovaniya oblachnogo sloia Venery v oblasti spektra 0.80–0.87 mkm n...