- From divine magic to delightful comedy, ventriloquism has amazed people for ages.
从神圣的魔法到让人哈哈大笑的喜剧,数世纪来腹语术总是令人啧啧称奇。 - He can also perform Chinese traditional magic and ventriloquism.
VENTRILOQUISMVentriloquismVentriloquismThe after-effects of ventriloquismTemporal and spatial dependency of the ventriloquism effect.Rapidly induced auditory plasticity: the ventriloquism aftereffectAuditory capture of vision: examining temporal ventriloquism.Effects of degree of visual association and angle of displacement on the "ventriloquism"effect.Bayesian inference explains perception of unity and ventriloquism aftereffect: identification of common sources of audiovisual stimuliThe role of visual-auditory “compellingness” in the ventriloquism effect: Implications for transitivity among the spatial senses