Vernalize した冬播ライ麦より採り出した Diffusate の効果についてVernalization and devernalization of Campanula 'Birch Hybrid' and Leucanthemum xsuperbum 'Snow Cap'Lavandula plant named ‘KERLAVANGEM’Ecogeographical differentiation in east Asian wheat, revealed from the geographical variation of growth habit and Vrn genotype.Effects of Genetic Variation and Inbreeding on Volatile Production in a Field Population of Horsenettle.Vernalization Requirement of Wild Beet Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima: Among Population Variation and Its Adaptive SignificanceDactylis glomerata Growing Along a Light Gradient in the Central Appalachian Region of the Eastern USA: III. Nonstructural Carbohyd...Plasticity Genes and Plasticity Costs: A New Approach Using an Arabidopsis Recombinant Inbred PopulationSeasonal shift in timing of vernalization as an ...Crop and Weed Growth in a Sequence of Spring Barley and Winter Wheat Crops Established Together from a Spring Sowing (Relay Cropping)