- An effective method for treating the obstinate verruca plana was introduced.
Verruca senilis und Keratoma senile
Verruca senilis und Keratoma senile
Innesto positivo con filtrato di verruca volgare
Expression of Toll-Like Receptors in Verruca and Molluscum Contagiosum
Echocardiographic diagnosis of large fungal verruca attached to mitral valve.
Ultrastructural studies of spontaneously regressing plane warts. Macrophages attack verruca-epidermal cells
Elucidation of the Phylogenetic Relationship of Three Thecostracans, Verruca, Paralepas, and Dendrogaster Based on 18S rDNA Sequence
Methods of identification of the larvae of Balanus balanoides (L.), B. crenatus Brug. and Verruca stroemia O.F. Muller
On the occurrence and behaviour of two little-known barnacles, Hexelasma hirsutum and Verruca recta, from the continental slope
Papillomavirus common antigens. Papillomavirus antigen in verruca, benign papillomatous lesions, trichilemmoma, and bowenoid papulos...