A maximal domain for strategy-proof and no-vetoer rules in the multi-object choice modelEconomies with informational asymmetries and limited vetoer coalitionsWeak independent decisiveness and the existence of a unique vetoerVetoer and tie-making group theorems for indifference-transitive aggregation rulesI Am Not A Crook...But I Am a Vetoer: Nixon's Veto ThreatsShaare kodesh veToer MosheFDG PET/CT has significant contribution in the initial nodal and systemic staging of patients with locally advanced breast cancerRofunenxeinrgciseecoanto8m0y%dVe´tOer2imoarxates following 60 minWinning battles and losing wars: Governor George E. Pataki and the executive vetoRatifiability of efficient collusive mechanisms in second-price auctions with participation costs