- The fat boy was victimized by his classmates.
那个胖小子挨同学欺侮了。 - Union leaders claimed that somemembers had been victimized (eg by being dismissed) for taking part in the strike.
Victims who go on to victimize others: no simple explanations
The Poverty of Slavery: How Enslavers Victimize Us All
On thugs and heroes: Why warlords victimize their own civilians
Victims Who Victimize: A Multifactorial Model of the PTSD/ IPV Link in OEF/OIF Veterans
When leaders victimize: The role of charismatic leaders in facilitating group pressures
How Child Protection Workers Support or Further Victimize Battered Mothers
Psychological violence against women by intimate partners: The use of children to victimize mothers
Sexual Misconduct Within the Christian Church: Who Are the Perpetrators and Those They Victimize?
Bethlehem Steel at Lackawanna: the state-corporate crimes that continue to victimize the residents and environment of Western New York
¿Víctimas O Victimarias? El Rol De Las Mujeres En Las FARC: Una Aproximación Desde La Teoría De Género (Victims or Victimizers?...