- Because the bridge has been bombed, it's impossible to victual the army now.
The case of the missing victuals
Victuals and Ventilation and the Health and Efficiency of Seamen
Brave new victuals. An inquiry into modern food production.
Blood-lipid depressant and victuals containing the same
Blood-lipid depressant and victuals containing the same
Licentious Cults and Bloody Victuals: Sacrifice, Reciprocity, and Violence in Traditional China
An insight into the putative role of victuals like honey and its polyphenols in breast cancer
Excretion of Thiodiglycolic Acid in Urine Affected by Some Victuals and Cetirizine
Indigenous Ethnomedicines and Victuals of Malayans, an Indigenous Population of Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Ghats, In...
Notes and documents. Civil supply in the civil war: supply of victuals to the New Model Army on the Naseby campaign, 1-14 ...