voice mail语音邮件
with one voice异口同声地
passive voice[语]被动态,被动式
voice communication电话通信;音频通信
voice recognition语音识别;声音识别
voice over声过滤;声过渡;话外音
in a low voice低声地,低声说
sweet voice甜美的声音
tone of voice语调;声调;口吻
singing voice歌喉;歌声
voice quality音质;话音质量;语音品质;声音的质量
female voice女声
give voice to vt. 说出, 表达;发泄
voice coil音圈
voice recorder录音机
voice of america美国之音
voice control语音控制;声控;口声控制
active voice主动语态
voice prompt语音提示,声音提示
voice response语音响应
- Laughter mainly comes in two types, researchers think: voiced, and unvoiced.
研究人员认为,笑主要有两种类型:有声和无声。 - A consonant can either be unvoiced or voiced.
辅音可发声也可不发声。 - Also, all vowel and diphthong sounds in English are voiced.
同样地,所有英语元音和双元音都是发声的。 - "Th"should be voiced in "this"but not in "think".
Voiced, unvoiced or noise modes in a CELP vocoder
Synthesis of Voiced Sounds from a Two-Mass Model of Vocal Cords
Voiced/unvoiced speech discrimination in noise using Gabor atomic decomposition
Closure duration and intervocalic voiced-voiceless distinction in English.
Not all laughs are alike: voiced but not unvoiced laughter readily elicits positive affect
Some Cues for the Distinction between Voiced and Voiceless Stops in Initial Position
Application of an LPC distance measure to the voiced-unvoiced-silence detection problem
A pattern recognition approach to voiced-unvoiced-silence classification with applications to speech recognition
Voiced but unheard agendas: qualitative analysis of the psychosocial cues that patients with unexplained symptoms present to general...
NIMBY or not? Exploring the relevance of location and the politics of voiced opinions in renewable energy siting controversies