用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- control one's voice控制自己的声音
- drop one's voice降低声音
- drown out sb's voice淹没某人的声音
- find one's voice能开口说话了
- hear a voice听到声音
- know a voice知道某种声音
- lift up one's voice提高嗓门
- lose one's voice嗓子哑了
- make a voice发出声音
- raise one's voice提高自己的说话声调
- recognize a voice听出(某人的)声音
- give voice to表示…
形容词+~- agreeable voice悦耳的声音
- beautiful voice优美动听的嗓音
- broken voice沙哑的声音
- cheerful voice欢快的声音
- clear voice清脆的声音
- deep voice低沉的声音
- expressive voice富有表达力的说话声
- fine voice好的嗓音
- flat voice单调的声音
- gentle voice轻声
- high voice尖声
- hoarse voice嘶哑的声音
- loud voice高声
- low voice低声
- poor voice不好的嗓音
- rich voice圆润的声音
- rough voice粗声
- shrill voice尖声
- small voice小声
- soft voice柔和的声音
- speaking voice说话声
- sweet voice悦耳的声音
- active voice主动语态
- passive voice被动语态
名词+~- chest voice胸音
- singing voice歌声
介词+~- in a high voice高声地
- in a low voice低声地
- in a quiet voice平静地(说)
- with one voice异口同声地,一致地
voice mail语音邮件
with one voice异口同声地
passive voice[语]被动态,被动式
voice communication电话通信;音频通信
voice recognition语音识别;声音识别
voice over声过滤;声过渡;话外音
in a low voice低声地,低声说
sweet voice甜美的声音
tone of voice语调;声调;口吻
singing voice歌喉;歌声
voice quality音质;话音质量;语音品质;声音的质量
female voice女声
give voice to vt. 说出, 表达;发泄
voice coil音圈
voice recorder录音机
voice of america美国之音
voice control语音控制;声控;口声控制
active voice主动语态
voice prompt语音提示,声音提示
voice response语音响应
voice, sound, noise
noise 噪音I hate the loud noise outside.
- His voice shook with fear.
他害怕得声音发抖。 - The little girl spoke in a high childish voice.
小女孩说话时声音尖尖的,带着童音。 - We could hear the children's voices in the garden.
我们可以听到花园里孩子们的声音。 - She is enamored of the sound of her own voice.
她陶醉于自己的嗓音。 - We should translate this sentence in passive voice.
我们应该用被动语态翻译这个句子。 - The workers want a voice in management decisions.
工人要求在管理决策上有发言权。 - In the past the voice of dissension had been quickly snuffed out.
- He was chosen to voice their grievance.
他被选去表达他们的不满。 - The voice often falls at the end of a statement.
在陈述句的句尾,发音通常降低。 - If using your voice is difficult, then you know what dysphonia is.
The Voice of the Customer
Exit, voice, and loyalty :
Voice and Equality. Civic Voluntarism in America Politics
Voice and Equality: Civic Volunteerism in American Politics
Exit, voice, and loyalty : responses to decline in firms, organizations, and states
Helping and voice extra-role behaviors: Evidence of construct and predictive validity.
Women's Way of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind
Two Structural Equation Models: LISREL and PLS Applied to Consumer Exit-Voice Theory
When job dissatisfaction leads to creativity: Encouraging the expression of voice.
Bookstein, F.L.: Two structural equation models: LISREL and PLS applied to consumer exit-voice theory. J. Mark. Res. 19(4), 440-452