Volitionally controlled single motor units in human finger musclesDevice and method for volitionally orienting fishDevice and method for volitionally orienting fishAdult Recoveries of Volitionally and Forced-Released Juvenile Coho SalmonVolitionally controlled single motor unit discharges and cortical motor potentials in human subjects.Cognitive Neurostimulation: Learning to Volitionally Sustain Ventral Tegmental Area ActivationBrain sources of EEG gamma frequency during volitionally meditation-induced, altered states of consciousness, and experience of the ...Migration Characteristics and Hatchery Returns of Winter Steelhead Volitionally Released from Cole Rivers Hatchery, OregonRest-induced suppression of anterior horn cell excitability as measured by F waves: Comparison between volitionally inactivated and ...Middle Cerebral Artery Blood Flow Velocity Studied during Quiet Breathing, Reflex Hypercapnic Breathing and Volitionally Copied Euca...