- She offered to help us of her own volition.
她自愿提出要帮助我们。 - She left entirely of her own volition.
她完全是自愿离开的。 - I didn't ask him to go;he went of his own volition.
我没有要求他去,他是出于自愿的。 - Such cloudy weather can wear people's volition.
这种阴阴的天气最是消磨人的意志。 - How can ability make his volition firmer?
The problem of volition.
Volition and Conflict in Human Medial Frontal Cortex
Volition and personality: Action versus state orientation
The Role of Volition in Learning and Performance
Ego Depletion: A Resource Model of Volition, Self-Regulation, and Cont...
The Best-Laid Plans: Modern Conceptions of Volition and Educational Research
Deglutitive tongue force modulation by volition, volume, and viscosity in humans.
Ego depletion: A resource model of volition, self-regulation, and controlled processing.
How hallucinations may arise from brain mechanisms of learning, attention, and volition.
Internally generated preactivation of single neurons in human medial frontal cortex predicts volition