- The new comer in our company is voluble.
我们公司新来的同事很健谈。 - Evelyn was very voluble on the subject of women's rights.
伊夫林谈起女权这个话题口若悬河。 - The Englishman broke into voluble and perfect Italian.
Buenas practicas agricolas (BPA) en la produccion de frijol volubleTHE VOLUBLE BROTHER-IN-LAW - COMMENTARYTrack link with revoluble sleeveScolding Brides and Bridling Scolds: Taming the Woman's Unruly MemberFactores familiares vinculados al bajo rendimientoJSTOR: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Vol. 85, No. 2 (1998), pp. 352-363The Revised Edition of Korean Calendar for Allergenic PollensEl poder en movimientoMaking diagnosis meaningful: Enhancing evaluation and treatment of psychological disorders.GLOBAL MOBILITY, SHIFTING BORDERS AND URBAN CITIZENSHIP