Activite anti-nauseeuse et anti-vomitive de composes de cannabidiol[PROTECTION EXERCISED BY METOCLOPRAMIDE AGAINST THE VOMITIVE EFFECTS OF COPPER SULFATE].[Re-evaluation of the vomitive action of the rhizome of ginseng]PROTECTION EXERCISED BY METOCLOPRAMIDE AGAINST THE VOMITIVE EFFECTS OF COPPER SULFATE. [PROTECTION EXERC'EE PAR LE M'ETOCLOPRAMIDE C...[Treatment of narcomania by conditioned vomitive reaction]Coup d'oeil sur la médication vomitive dans les maladies internes /Pain-relieving oral liquid with nut-vomitive posonnut seed for treating cervical and lumbar diseaseStable and injectable antivomitive compoundClinical Observation on Treating Nausea and Vomition with Ondansetron after ChemotherapyContribution to the knowledge of medicinal plants of the Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon: plants used for treating jaundice.