- There was a queasy mess upon the plate.
盘子上有一堆令人作呕的食物。 - Those greasy French fries made me queasy.
那些油腻的薯条让我想吐。 - I felt a little queasy on the ship.
我在船上觉得有点晕眩想呕吐。 - I was developing the queasy feeling that we were being tested.
The Quick And Easy QUEASY Guide To Microsoft Surface
Sam Venable: Woes of the Old Codger Hunting and Fishing Club
Queasy /
La mejora de los procesos de software en las pequeñasy medianas empresas (pyme). Un nuevo modelo y suaplicación a un caso real
"Queasy does it": false alcohol beliefs and memories may lead to diminished alcohol preferences
Quasimorphisms or Queasymorphisms? Modeling Finite Automaton Environments
It's EASY to Get QUEASY; but Seasickness Doesn't Have to Ruin Your Day
Queasy Riders; Nature Comes to Rescue of the Car Sick
Feeling queasy about the Incarnation: Terror Management Theory, death, and the body of Jesus
Childhood chronic nausea: is it just a queasy stomach?