Mechanics of wing-assisted incline running (WAIR)Absolute measurement of Wair for sulfur-35 beta rays.An analysis of existing data for Wair, Ic and the product Wairsc,airHighwire Restrains Synaptic Growth by Attenuating a MAP Kinase SignalSex differences in the myocardial inflammatory response to acute injury.High passage number of stem cells adversely affects stem cell activation and myocardial protectionCytokines in necrotizing enterocolitis.Preconditioning Versus Postconditioning: Mechanisms and Therapeutic PotentialsJak/STAT/SOCS signaling circuits and associated cytokine-mediated inflammation and hypertrophy in the heartEstrogen receptor-{alpha} mediates acute myocardial protection in females\r10.1152/ajpheart.01219.2005