- Spare him, I beseech you.
我恳求你饶了他吧。 - I beseech you to tell me.
Beseeching The World
Ground of Her Beseeching
Beseeching for antenna sites, and a new partner for private radio?
"Beseeching Dominance: Critical Thoughts on the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine"
The beseeching tone: The 'Musifex' of Barry Gray and their implications for composers
The ground of our beseeching : metaphor and the poetics of meditation /
Beseeching the breath : rediscovering the connections in land, language, and spirituality /
Investiture Beseeching in Vietnam – China Diplomatic Relationship in Feudal Age
Beseeching Tudi Gong Approbation: Rituals in Construction of Vernacular Houses in Shaanxi Province
Prayer and beseeching in the New Testament and its milieu: Martial and Matthew in comparison