THE PYROLYSIS WASTE RYCYCLING METHOD AND SYSTEMThe Art of WastebasketrySustainable Development of Water Resources in Taizhou[Acid protein hydrolysate from waste placentary pulp after production of human gamma globulin]Economic analysis of feedstuff production in the Negev employing humus origination from municipal wasteRecycling System and Recycling Industries of the E-waste in KoreaRecycling. Laws and Regulations of Waste Treatment.Production of potassium and calcium hydroxide, compost and humic acid from sago (Metroxylon sagu) waste.MONOCLINIC CETI2O6 THIN FILM AND A SOL-GEL PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOFEngineered nanoparticles in wastewater and wastewater sludge--evidence and impacts.