- The water level in some lakes may vary greatly.
某些湖泊的水位变动极大。 - Adjustable float for optimum water level control.
通过调节浮球能保持最佳水位。 - This method is also suitable for the theodolite with a contract index level.
这个方法也适合于一般具有竖盘符合水准器的经纬仪。 - Their marks on the lands are somewhat analogous to the dirt line on a tub showing the former depth of water.
Characterizing Seiche and Tide-driven Daily Water Level Fluctuations Affecting Coastal Ecosystems of the Great Lakes
Tolerance of Sphagnum to water level
Effects of measurement frequency on water-level summary statistics.
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for prediction of water level in reservoir
Effects of seasonal water level fluctuations on the littoral benthic fish community in a large lake: Lake Constance, Germany
Response of a Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) population to interannual water level fluctuations.
Water level processing method and structure to manufacture two kinds of bumps, gold and solder, on one wafer
Germination of Ten Shoreline Plants in Relation to Seed Size, Soil Particle Size and Water Level: An Experimental Study
Ecology of Water-Level Manipulations on a Northern Marsh
Long-Term Responses of River-Margin Vegetation to Water-Level Regulation