- Each time I try to hold it and it slips away by the waterflow, finally I cup your bleeding heart in my hands.
WaterFlowWaterflowMulti-mode waterflow detector with electronic timerWATERFLOW-CONTROLLING APPARATUS FOR AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEMA parametrization of the lateral waterflow for the global scaleWaterflow requirements for salmonids in single-pass and semi-closed land-based seawater and freshwater systemsPrey capture by fish larvae, waterflow patterns and the effect of escape movements of prey.Bacterial growth of the marine sponge Halichondria panicea induced by reduced waterflow rateStudies of limiting factors governing the waterflow requirement for Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) in landbased seawater systemsEffects of reduced waterflow (increased loading) in soft water on Atlantic salmon smolts ( Salmo salar L.) while maintaining oxygen...