- There is a house with wattle fence in the picture.
Are wattles of auricular or branchial origin?Are large wattles related to particular MHC genotypes in the male pheasant?Acacia exchanges: Wattles, thorn trees, and the study of plant movementsMethod of beach renourishment using sand-entrapping wattlesSite requirements and species matching: Eucalypts and WattlesMultifunctional, scrubby, and invasive forests? Wattles in the highlands of Madagascar.On the function of an enigmatic ornament: wattles increase the conspicuousness of visual displays in male fowlA baker’s dozen of new wattles highlights significant Acacia (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) diversity and endemism in the north-west Kimbe...Histology of the inflammatory reaction produced by a "skin reactive factor"in the wattles in inbred chickensSeed-reducing Cecidomyiidae as potential biological control agents for invasive Australian wattles in South Africa, particularly Aca...