A Synoptic Weather Pattern and Sounding-Based Climatology of Freezing Precipitation in the United States East of the Rocky Mountains.Spring weather pattern associated with suspected black cutworm moth (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) introduction to Iowa.Weather Pattern Analysis of Shanghai 0185 Torrential RainstormReliability and robustness of rainfall compound distribution model based on weather pattern sub-samplingSimulation of precipitation by weather pattern and frontal analysisAnalysis of Large-Scale Weather Pattern during Heavy Air Pollution Process in BeijingSynoptic weather pattern controls on temperature in AlaskaThe effects of synoptical weather pattern and complex terrain on the formation of aerosol events in the Greater Taipei areaReliability and robustness of a rainfall compound distribution model based on weather pattern sub-sampling. Hydrol Earth Syst SciA Weather-Pattern-Based Approach to Evaluate the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) Forecasts: Comparison to Automatic Wea...